Our events programme should be considered in the context of section 61 of The Data Protection (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2017 which outlines our duty to raise public awareness of citizens’ rights and to promote awareness of controllers/processors’ legal duties.
It is a key aspect of our Communications Strategy, and we use our events to effect positive cultural change by:
Effecting cultural change: Project Bijou
In May 2021 we launched a social initiative called Project Bijou, which explores working with people to create cultural change.
Missed an event?
You can access recording of selected previous events/webinars via our YouTube channel (or via the 'Past' events below) .
Need a speaker?
If you would like an ODPA representative to speak at an event you are running please complete this short speaker-request form and we will endeavour to organise something with you. Please note our Policy on External Events and Speaking Engagements.
We have a number of key topics that we routinely cover (listed below), but where possible we are happy to tailor a session to a specific audience’s needs/interests:
• The seven data protection principles
• Data protection in the workplace
• Data ethics
• Individuals’ rights over their data
• Data protection in Healthcare
• Data protection for small businesses / charities
• How to respond to ‘data subject access requests’ (DSARs)
• Data breaches: human error vs. technology