Drop-in sessions

If you are representing an organisation, and you have a general enquiry you can come along to our drop-in sessions.

If you are representing an organisation, and you have a general enquiry you can come along to our drop-in sessions which are held between 09:00 – 12:00 on the dates indicated in the calendar below.

What to expect at our drop-in sessions:

  • We will ask you to sign in and will give you a ticket number.
  • When your ticket is called you will be taken into a meeting room with an ODPA staff member.
  • Our staff member will listen to your questions, and talk over any issues you are having.
  • To make sure we can see as many people as possible, we normally limit each individual’s meeting to approximately 30 minutes.
  • If your query is not resolved you are very welcome to come back to a future session.

For specific queries relating to ongoing cases please request an appointment with the ODPA staff member assigned to your case.

To  explore a specific topic or issue in detail please contact us to request a 'study visit'.

Organisations are welcome to drop in on the days marked in green, between 09:00-12:00.