Registration window open (1 Jan - end of Feb)

If you use personal data in your work you are legally obliged to register during January and February each year.
NEW REGISTRATION? View guidance and create new registration here
EXISTING REGISTRATION? Sign-in to Registrations Portal here

Study visit

It is important to recognise that getting data protection right may be more of a challenge to some organisations than others. We want to do all we can to support engaged and positive compliance and as part of a package of initiatives, we offer 'study visits' for organisations who may want to explore a specific area of data protection.

What is a Study Visit?

  • It’s a structured session with ODPA staff where a limited number of people from an organisation explores a specific topic or issue in detail with the aim of raising awareness of it.
  • It can be held at the ODPA or at the organisation’s premises.
  • It is not a training session.

How to apply for a Study Visit

To apply for a study visit, please cut and paste the questions below, and your responses to them, in an email to enquiries@odpa.gg.

We will then let you know if your request can be granted.
  1. Is your organisation currently registered with us as a controller or processor?
  2. Is your organisation the subject of an active or closed ODPA investigation? If so, please note that we will not discuss any aspect of an investigation during a study visit.
  3. What specific issue would you like your study visit to cover?
  4. What would you like to get out of your study visit with us?
  5. How many people from your organisation will be attending the study visit?
  6. Please suggest a preferred date and time for your study visit, which we will try to accommodate.
  7. Please confirm that you recognise that the ODPA does not have a training remit and that study visits form part of our industry/public engagement activities.