ODPA supports World Children’s Day with book, blog, podcast and ‘Children’s Framework’ consultation.

Published: 17 November 2023

To mark World Children’s Day on Monday 20 November, the Office of the Data Protection Authority (ODPA) has launched several initiatives.

Firstly, all Year 4 children should receive a copy of the ODPA storybook in November. ‘Warro goes on an adventure’ introduces children and young people to the concept of personal data and how it is used in our everyday lives.

The book was the brainchild of ODPA outreach officer Kirsty Bougourd, a qualified teacher with a background in journalism and a passion for safely engaging children in a world which is increasingly technologically and data dependent.

If you are interested in finding out more about Warro’s story, the ODPA have also released a podcast where Kirsty discusses her inspiration to create the character and how it ties in with the ODPA’s wider outreach mission.

The ODPA would like to extend its thanks to schools, for supporting the initiative and welcoming Kirsty into their classrooms to share this story with their students.

The ODPA has also launched a public consultation as part of its work on developing a ‘Children’s Framework’ which aims to support responsible use of children’s information and the highest standards for the legal and ethical handling of data.

These activities are aligned with relevant areas of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The consultation is open to all children, young people, and adults until the end of this year.

If you are wondering why World Children’s Day has prompted this flurry of activity, a new blog written by the Bailiwick’s Data Protection Commissioner Emma Martins (published on the ODPA’s website) explains how World Children’s Day links directly to the ODPA’s work.

Emma Martins commented:

“One day, these children will be the ones making decisions about how technology and business models develop, as well as being caretakers of unimaginable volumes of personal data. Helping them understand ethical data use is a key part of the ODPA’s statutory responsibilities and something ODPA staff care deeply about.”

World Children’s Day is celebrated every year on 20 November since 1954 when the United Nations created Universal Children’s Day. It aims to promote international togetherness and improve children’s welfare.

It also marks the anniversary of the date in 1990 that the UN General Assembly adopted both the Declaration and the Convention on Children’s rights.