Registration window open (1 Jan - end of Feb)

If you use personal data in your work you are legally obliged to register during January and February each year.
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Sharing stories

Published: 20 June 2024

A Data Protection Officer (DPO) at a local finance company who was new in their job approached the ODPA for guidance on how to raise their colleagues’ awareness of data protection.

A Data Protection Officer (DPO) at a local finance company who was new in their job approached the ODPA for guidance on how to raise their colleagues’ awareness of data protection. The ODPA invited the DPO to one of its free drop-in sessions to get a better understanding of their needs, and then provided the DPO with a tailored selection of its resources and guidance to share with their colleagues.

Learning points
  • Data protection is not a once a year tick box exercise. It is a continuous process that requires awareness to be raised within an organisation in creative ways that people take note of.
  • To assist organisations in this task the ODPA has a wealth of free resources available for anyone to make use of including podcasts, webinars, and plain English guidance. In Project Bijou alone, there are resources from over 50 inspiring speakers from around the world that are organised to resemble a free online conference.