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Data protection enabling innovation

Published: 15 February 2024

An entrepreneur approached the ODPA about a software system he was in the initial stage of developing which involved the use of data about people.

An entrepreneur approached the ODPA about a software system he was in the initial stage of developing which involved the use of data about people.

The ODPA helped him understand his compliance obligations, including identifying appropriate conditions for lawful processing and developing a data processing notice.

Working with the ODPA from the outset enabled the controller to better consider the data protection requirements, making compliance easier and improving his product as a result.

Learning points
  • Considering the importance of protecting data at the outset enabled the company to develop its processes to ensure that data protection standards were built in from the beginning. This is a good approach to compliance and a more efficient use of resources. 
  • It also enabled the controller to establish data protection by design and take reasonable steps for compliance. Taking this approach helps to build trust and confidence, it also reduces the likelihood of problems in the future. 
  • Data governance cannot be an afterthought, it must be embedded into all aspects of an organisation’s journey.
  • The ODPA holds free drop-ins so that organisations can discuss issues like this.