Registration window open (1 Jan - end of Feb)

If you use personal data in your work you are legally obliged to register during January and February each year.
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VIDEO: The power of words. Using stories to dismantle legalese and communicate clearly

In this interview, privacy professional Judith Ratcliffe shares her broad knowledge and experience in a compelling way. She outlines how you can apply these insights to your work taking care of people’s data. Judith shares some of her top privacy tips which include, “Saying no could actually be the best piece of advice you ever give to someone.” She uses stories to powerfully illustrate why data protection is everyone’s concern and sets out her argument for the right to have ‘offline’ services provided.

*The term 'hashing' is used in this interview. If you are not familiar with it, you can find out more here: What Is Hashing, and How Does It Work

Judith Ratcliffe is a privacy professional with experience working for government departments, retail banks and private organisations across a wide range of sectors. 
She’s the author of ‘Privacy and Data Protection in Your Pocket: Personal Data Breaches’, has written extensively about breaches, regularly contributes to debate about data protection issues and is campaigning for the UK government to commit to providing services through offline channels. Judith also has a legal background and is a member of the Honorable Society of the Inner Temple.  

  1. Law Society of Scotland opinion piece on 'Why we need the UK Government to commit to providing services through offline channels'
  2. Law Society Gazette review of Privacy and Data Protection In Your Pocket: Personal Data Breaches 
  3. Written evidence submitted to the UK parliament's Scrutiny Committee (as published on their website) regarding the UK's Data Protection and Digital Information Bill
  4. LinkedIn article by Judith Ratcliffe: Misleading Advertising - A PET Pain! Why it's time to re-name Privacy Preserving Technology/Techniques and call them what they are...