Payroll Co-Funding Scheme: use of data

Published: 10 February 2021

UPDATE: 10 Feb 2021
The ODPA welcomes the apology given by Deputy Peter Ferbrache during the online media briefing today (10 Feb) in response to a media question regarding the confusion around whether personal details of Payroll Co-Funding Scheme recipients will be published.

This follows on from Policy & Resources Committee media release yesterday (9 Feb).

We trust that the Committee will update its Business Support website (point E) and the Key Information relating to all requests (‘Publication of details of Payroll Support Scheme claimants’ section) page, to reflect their position to ensure that no ambiguity remains.

UPDATE: 2 Feb 2021 
The ODPA is aware of questions being asked about the States of Guernsey’s Payroll Co-Funding Scheme; specifically how details of those local companies affected may be used. Concerns have been raised online around the possible publication of personal data in this context.

Any time personally identifiable data is used there are governance standards, contained within the local data protection legislation, that must be applied to ensure such data are handled in a fair and lawful manner.

Those standards apply to all those handling personal data, including government. It is incumbent on the States of Guernsey to ensure all those affected are given timely and accurate information about how any personal data will be handled, and to do so in a way that ensures the full requirements of the law are complied with.