ODPA co-sponsors resolutions at the 45th Global Privacy Assembly

Published: 3 November 2023

The Office of the Data Protection Authority (ODPA) has co-sponsored two of the resolutions adopted by the 45th Global Privacy Assembly in October.

Held in Bermuda, the ODPA’s Commissioner Emma Martins and Deputy Commissioner Rachel Masterton both participated in the event, joining regulatory authorities and data protection professionals from around the world, to discuss global threats to information security and debate potential solutions.

The first GPA resolution co-sponsored by the ODPA concerns global data protection standards and sets out principles to ensure high levels of data protection and privacy worldwide. It recognises that consistent interpretation between jurisdictions is important for maintaining high standards and fostering a clear regulatory environment.

The second co-sponsored resolution adopted by the GPA concerns the creation of a GPA library of member guidance and interpretation of key principles of data protection and privacy law.

The ODPA felt the premise and purpose of both these resolutions chimed with its values of ambition and progression and aligned with its purpose of protecting people by driving responsible use of personal information.

Having consistent high standards and encouraging knowledge sharing across the global DPA community helps regulated organisations engage with their obligations and provides robust rights to individuals, putting humans at the heart.

To find out more information about all the resolutions adopted by the GPA at the 45th meeting, which also addressed the risks of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and AI in employment, visit: Adopted Resolutions – Global Privacy Assembly