IAPP Dashboard Article - "Paper analyzes data protection implications of 'Hard Brexit'"

Published: 23 June 2018

Article taken from IAAP Dashboard 22 June 2018 "Guernsey Deputy Commissioner Rachel Masterton has penned a paper on the data protection implications of a “Hard Brexit”; former U.K. Information Commissioner Richard Thomas now heads the Guernsey data protection authority.

While the U.K. will be leaving the European Union having been under the rule of EU General Data Protection Regulation for roughly a year, the impact of the GDPR on companies handling data belonging to EU citizens could still change dramatically. Masterton’s paper examines the additional GDPR obligations U.K. entities will face after the country departs from the EU, while looking at ways the U.K. government can help those organizations handle the requirements.

The paper reviews data transfer case laws, offering analysis on what the decisions mean going forward.  Full Story"