Response to media query

Published: 28 November 2023

Response to BBC query about Google Street View: 

The Office of the Data Protection Authority commented:

“In 2010, Google deployed their cars locally to record content for their Street View product. A problem arose when the cars recorded on private roads and the (then) Commissioner intervened to prevent such recording. The use of Google Street View cars on public roads was not impacted and continued.

However, at the same time, news broke globally that Google Street View Cars were harvesting Wi-Fi data from businesses and homeowners. As a result, all cars were recalled by Google while they addressed this inappropriate and unlawful data collection. The cars left Guernsey before collection was completed and have not returned.

The recording of these images is not in itself unlawful, hence the vast coverage of such mapping / imaging applications. However, the Data Protection (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2017 requires certain measures to be complied with when personal data is collected and processed."