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Bailiwick Data Protection Advisory

Published: 15 January 2025

ODPA warns islanders about a Facebook scam targeting their personal data 

In coordination with an alert issued by the Guernsey Police, the Office of the Data Protection Authority (ODPA) is warning Bailiwick residents about a Facebook scam targeting their personal information. 

The fraudulent Facebook post has been designed to mimic an advert for a Guernsey Press article, discussing new income tax rules and the prospect of receiving income tax windfalls.  This is a scam that if clicked will further solicit your personal information including sensitive financial data with a prompt to open an account to receive your payment.  

Once an account is opened $250 is taken as payment. The scammer then calls victims on the phone to chase them up for the payment, with the calls coming from at least three different numbers. 

“Protecting and safeguarding your personal information is key to avoid falling victims to these fraudsters”, said Commissioner Brent Homan, “Proactive measures can be taken to avoid harms such as financial loss and identity theft”. 
Here is a short checklist of actions you can take to protect yourself: 

  1. Practice vigilance with suspicious social media posts. Posts can be designed to appear to come from reputable sources and can with malicious intent direct you to unsafe places to steal your personal information, assets, and potentially your identity. 

  1. Be on guard for red flags. Is there an urgency to action or call-back? A link to a suspicious page? A phone number to call for help? An enticing attachment? Beware! 

  1. Think before you click. Do you know this person or deal with this organisation? Is this how the person or company normally contacts you or you deal with that company? Financial institutions and government rarely seek any personal information or payment through text or social media.  If you are suspicious, call a trusted phone number for that institution or government department. 

If you think you have fallen victim to a scam you should immediately contact your bank for support.

You can also contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or via actionfraud.police.uk or Guernsey Police on 222222 or via fraud@guernsey.pnn.police.uk

If you are concerned that your personal information or data rights have been compromised you can contact the ODPA at info@odpa.gg or by phone at 01481 742074.