Registration window open (1 Jan - end of Feb)

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Be prepared: what you can learn from local data breaches

Published: 10 May 2024

The Office of the Data Protection Authority (ODPA) has released the latest statistics of personal data breaches reported by local organisations, together with what can be learned from them. This information is aimed at all organisations looking to improve their breach preparedness. 

A total of 42 personal data breaches were reported to the ODPA during Q1 2024. This is the highest number ever reported in one quarter, with 1,536 people affected.   

Read this document for details of what can be learned from these most recent breach incidents

The Bailiwick’s Data Protection Commissioner, Brent Homan, commented:

“It is so important to view security safeguards as a dynamic rather than static responsibility. Organisations can think of breach preparedness like cruise control of a car. You can’t set it and then jump in the back seat and relax. You must steer carefully, be aware of present dangers to you, your passengers and other road users and be prepared to confront unknown threats awaiting you at the turn of the road. Working with people’s data is no different, and we hope that sharing the data-driven insights from the breaches reported locally can help local organisations rapidly and effectively respond when a breach occurs.”