Press Release:

Guernsey and Alderney regulators pledge closer co-operation

Published: 7 August 2023

The Bailiwick’s Data Protection Authority has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The Alderney Gambling Control Commission. 

This establishes a framework to make it easier for the two regulators to co-operate and share information to perform their statutory functions.

Bailiwick of Guernsey Data Protection Commissioner Emma Martins commented:

“We are very pleased to be signing this MoU to further cement our good working relations with the Commission. There are increasing areas of regulatory overlap in many areas of our work and it is therefore important for regulators to work proactively to ensure the highest standards of rights and protections are effectively and consistently implemented across our community.” 

Executive Director of the Alderney Gambling Control Commission, Andrew Gellatly commented:

"Our new MoU with the Bailiwick’s Data Protection Authority builds on the already excellent relationship we have. The effectiveness of the AGCC's supervision is increased by continuous and constructive cooperation with regulators worldwide. Our ability to work together and exchange information benefits both consumers and the providers of services, ensuring the rights of those wishing to gamble so that they can continue to do so safely with reputable, honest and trustworthy operators.”

The full text of the MoU is available here