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ODPA launches Guidance Advisory Panel

Published: 28 November 2024

The Office of the Data Protection Authority has launched a Guidance Advisory Panel as part of its commitment to continually review and improve guidance for organisations to help them comply with local data protection legislation.

The panel was carefully chosen to include key representatives from both the public and private sectors in Guernsey and the Channel Islands.  

The panel ‘s data protection experts and sector leaders are; 
  • Wayne Bulpitt CBE, CEO of Aspida Group and Chair of the Association of Guernsey Charities 
  • Richard Field, Partner and Guernsey lead for Technology & Innovation at Appleby 
  • Alice Joy, Director at the Guernsey Financial Services Commission
  • Callie Loveridge, Head of Data Protection at the States of Guernsey 
  • Stephanie Luce, Head of Legal and Governance at the Jersey Cyber Security Centre (CERT JE) and Chair of Islands Data Governance Forum 

 "One of our key Regulatory Pillars is partnership, which includes getting meaningful feedback from experts in the Bailiwick", said Commissioner Brent Homan, "It is critical to continually enhance our guidance towards promoting compliance in the regulated community. We need to ask ourselves - is it hitting the right mark, what is working well, what is missing, and what future risks should we start thinking about now?" 

The Guidance Advisory Panel will meet twice a year.