Nov 2019

Published: 1 November 2019

Giving Voice to Values: How to speak your mind when you know what’s right by Mary Gentile

Although data governance is increasingly recognised as a fundamental part of all organisations, there is still a sense that data protection can be seen as an administrative burden that stifles innovation and slows business success (neither of which are true!). That often puts data protection officers (DPOs) and data professionals in lonely and challenging places - where they find themselves pressured by managers or organisational culture to cut corners or circumvent governance processes.

Doing data protection well is inextricably linked to ensuring we embrace business ethics not just as a concept, but in practice.

This book is aimed at everybody but will certainly help DPOs give voice to their values.

Gentile offers practical and engaging advice about handling a wide range of ethical dilemmas allowing us to align our professional lives with our principles. This is not just a sound theoretic piece of work, it offers the reader tools as well. I know from personal experience how tough it can be for a DPO to take a stand and challenge practices and people. For any DPOs or other data protection professionals who follow our reading recommendations, I hope you can take some comfort in the fact in knowing that you are not alone and for those times when you feel you are David battling Goliath: don’t forget who eventually won.