
We live in a rapidly evolving world where new technologies have the power to transform industries, economies and lives. These new technologies are often reliant on the collection and use of personal data. 

The ODPA Sandbox is intended to provide organisations with the information, support and tools to build products and services that use personal data responsibly, in both a legal and ethical way. By providing a safe, controlled and supported space for exploration, experimentation and innovation, we aim to promote economic growth, create job opportunities, and help position the Bailiwick as a leader in innovation.

What is a Sandbox?

•    It’s a controlled environment where forward-thinking entrepreneurs and innovators can test their new products, services, and business models with the support and guidance of the ODPA.
•    It can be held at the ODPA or at the organisation’s premises.
•    It is not a training session.

How to apply to enter the ODPA Sandbox

To apply for a preliminary sandbox evaluation, please cut and paste the questions below, and your responses to them, in an email to

We will then be in touch to confirm whether your application has been accepted.

  1. Is your organisation currently registered with us as a controller or processor?
  2. Is your organisation the subject of an active or closed ODPA investigation?
    If so, please note that we will not discuss any aspect of an investigation during any evaluation.
  3. What specific innovation would you like to cover?
    (Please describe as best as you are able. All correspondence will be treated in the strictest confidence)
  4. Please describe in detail the types of data, including personal data, that will be involved and a full description of the nature of the proposed processing.
  5. Have you carried out a data protection impact assessment (DPIA)?
    If so, please provide a copy (redacted as necessary)
  6. What would you like to get out of your application?
  7. How many people from your organisation will be involved?
  8. Please confirm that you recognise that the ODPA does not have a training remit, and that the sandbox forms part of the ODPA's industry engagement activities.