Jersey and Guernsey regulators sign MoU

Published: 25 February 2020

The Jersey and Guernsey data protection regulators are pleased to announce that they have signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

The MoU sets out how the two offices will work collaboratively in a number of key areas, further strengthening the cooperation requirements that are contained within the data protection legislation.

Emma Martins, the Data Protection Commissioner for the Bailiwick of Guernsey, welcomed the move.

‘Data processing has now become borderless, so it is more important than ever for regulators to work together. We recognise that many organisations have a pan-Island presence and want to ensure as much consistency and clarity as possible when we are providing information and guidance as well as when we are investigating alleged breaches.’

Dr. Jay Fedorak, Jersey’s Information Commissioner endorses the spirit of cooperation and partnership manifest in the MoU.

 ‘While data protection authorities across the globe are working more closely together than ever before, there are few jurisdictions that have as much in common as Jersey and Guernsey. The people and businesses of the Channel Islands have a right to expect the same high standards of data protection and this includes regulators who take a coordinated approach to achieving those standards.’