BLOG: Data protection has the protection of individuals at its heart

In this short blog, Christopher highlights what he learned as a regulator and a controller: data protection is practical and ethical - what are you doing, and why, and does it risk causing data harms to people. He also explores what can be learnt from the ODPA's work in 2020: most complaints are about sloppy addressing of emails and letters,  if you ask questions about your data processing or your new projects you can protect people from data harms, and avoid unnecessary fines

Data protection is not rocket science, it is common sense.

Based in Brussels, Christopher has extensive experience in the field of data protection, having worked as Director of the Office of the European Data Protection Supervisor and before that as the Legal Adviser on data protection to the European Commission. He retired in 2018 as Honorary Director General of the EDPS and now teaches and writes extensively on data protection law. Christopher is a voting member of Guernsey Data Protection Authority.